
The word “Voliteon” and title of this page is a play on the word “Volition” which refers to the “faculty or power of using one’s will”. Volition is an English word often used in the description or translation of the Pali/Sanskrit word “Cetanā“. Cetana is a Buddhist term which can also be described as the mental factor that is concerned with the actualization of a goal. Sometimes referred to as “intention” or “directionality”. It moves or urges the mind into a particular direction. Cetana can be considered as one of the most important mental factors in the generation of karma.

The writer of this blog has practiced, studied or researched a number of arts, philosophies, religions and modalities over many years including Judo, Karate, Tai Chi, Yoga, Kung Fu, QiGong, Zhan Zuang, Arnis, Massage, Psychology, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Jainism, Healing methods, self defense techniques to name a few, but does not presume to have or understand all the answers or have formal teaching qualifications. While the writer aims to maintain a “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind”, he has has a fascination with the field of health, well-being, spirituality, philosophy and the idea of this page is to explore various facets of the aforementioned via Buddhism, Hinduism, Yoga, spirituality, religion, belief systems and related ideas to hopefully assist in learning for all. The writer thanks his teachers, gurus, writers, philosophers and friends for their wisdom, knowledge and beneficial lessons learned.